The following information applies to all EXNP online services, including online support services for our Tools, BAM, Serenity and MiPharmacy Flu Shot

Application and Network level security

EXNP online services use some of the latest technology available for Internet security. When you access the services, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology is used for both server authentication and data encryption, helping to ensure that your data and features associated with your account are available only to you and the users you authorize. EXNP online services issue a session cookie only to record authentication information for the duration of a specific session. The session cookie does not include the username or password of the user.

Physical facilities security

EXNP online services are hosted in a protected server environment that uses a firewall and other advanced technology to prevent interference or access from outside intruders. The hosting facilities used by EXNP online services are protected by multiple layers of physical security, and only authorized personnel may access the facilities and servers. All data center equipment has physical protections in place to prevent data theft and environmental hazards in order to prevent assets from being lost, damaged, or compromised and to prevent interruption in business activities. Physical security includes, but it is not limited to: biometrics access control, 24/7 video surveillance, quality custom built 44U lockable cabinets, raised floors, pre-action sprinkler system and fire suppressant system.

Contact Information

If you have questions about our privacy statement or our use of your information, or if you need help changing your personal information, please contact us by sending e-mail to