Mail has often been praised for its simplicity, Ribbon look interface and yet - extensive functionality!



Although often used mainly as an email application [view screen], Mail provides integrated collaboration functionality including: email, calendaring, contacts management, tracking, instant messaging, an office productivity suite (EXNP IMPEL), and access to other EXNP Impel applications and databases.

In addition to these standard applications the organization may use the Mail development environment on Impel platform along with other EXNP tools to develop additional integrated applications such as request approval / workflow and document management.

Mail is an application that is part of an EXNP Impel application development platform, where mail is just one of many possible applications.

Our Mail and Scribe have spawned a great deal of third-party software, including applications, add-ins, add-ons, widgets, plug-ins and more, such as document management systems, discussion forums, reporting, and numerous other business applications.


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